Photographing Perfect Dogs

A black and white puppy chases after a tennis ball at dog friendly Stone Mountain Park Georgia during a dog photography session.

Pet photography is for picture perfect moments - not perfect dogs.

I don’t know when we decided that our dogs had to be perfect before we were worthy of having photographs of them.

Perfectly trained with perfect off leash manners…

Perfectly groomed & bathed with not a fur out of place…

I mean, I love my dogs freshly bathed and being perfectly behaved (you know, when they’re sleeping)—don’t get me wrong …

… but sometimes, in fact, MOST times my dogs are not perfect dogs - they are dogs.

They’ve rolled in something particularly disgusting at their last potty break before bed (Lira), or insisting on looking exactly the wrong way (Carolina), or just completely ignored me calling his name for 10 minutes because he’s BUSY (Mikey).


Your Signature Session is designed expecting that your dogs will be ACTUAL dogs—

I'm not photographing perfect dogs…

… or stuffed animals…

… or only champion obedience dogs…

… or even dogs off leash.

I photograph dogs - imperfect dogs, stinky dogs that spent the first 10 minutes of our session rolling in a dead animal, dogs that only work for bribes (the GOOD treats), silly dogs, wild dogs, happy dogs, anxious dogs, reactive dogs, show dogs, sports dogs, working dogs, your best friend dog, real perfectly LOVED dogs.

What does this mean for YOU?

You’re EXACTLY the type of person that I work with all the time and your dogs are exactly the types of dogs I want to work with.

Consider this your official free pass to enjoy your dogs exactly as they are, celebrate them exactly as they are, and STOP putting off scheduling your session.


DIY-ing Your Dog’s Photos


Dog Photography at Atlanta’s Georgia Tech Campus